Wednesday 5 May 2010

Currently Reading...

Currently reading.....

Innocent Traitor by Alison Weir - the story of Lady Jane Grey, a tragic, sorry tale...I enjoy Alison Weir's historical fiction for the background detail as much as the central story - the reigns of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I are fascinating - although I'd read a littlle about Lady Jane Grey as a footnote in history, this book fleshes out the human being and brings to the foreground the absolute tragedy of a sixteen year old child who was manipulated, bullied and ultimately faced the chopping block for the ambition and advancement of others.
Fatal Voyage by Kathy Reichs - Tempe Brennan, the same character featured in the TV series 'Bones' is an intriguing, strange character and the stories are usually absorbing.   A plot within a story within another plot, and the layers are riveting - this is a great read, a well written story and interesting characters - recommended.   An aircraft crashes leaving Tempe with a sea of dead passengers, on top of which she discovers more remains, going to great lengths to establish these are nothing to do with the aircrash, and everything to do with a secret society...  I finished this book in one day though no-one got a word out of me and dinner was 'whatever you might be lucky enough to find in the fridge'....!

The Disastrous Mrs. Weldon: The Life, Loves and Lawsuits of a Legendary Victorian by Brian Thompson - this sounded like such a good book - talk about being talked up on the front cover!! I don't know whether Mrs. Weldon was a scandalous Victorian or a legendary one, but the first part of this book bored me stiff. Its possible that the second half consisted of all the exciting stuff, but as I kept falling asleep every time I tried to keep going with this one, I just gave up in the end. Maybe, when I am down to my last book on my e-reader I'll give it another go, until then, life's just too short to read stuff this dry.

Ill Wind by Nevada Barr - another of the 'Anna Pigeon' series - a Park Ranger who solves mysteries - these are unchallenging but entertaining and remind me a lot of the Nancy Drew Mysteries I read as a youngster....Anna is called upon to solve a mystery of a dead ranger and recurrent mysterious illness in Park Visitors...I'd guessed the ending half way through the book; unchallenging but enjoyable. 

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