Saturday 15 October 2011

Long Time No See

Well, its been one of those long absences again.  Its not that I didn't miss you, I did, but I've been quite busy.  I've been busy with stock from recent buying splurges (Venetian glass, sterling silver and semi precious stones) and unfortunately I've been under the weather for some time with a cold, flu and a virus - then Mark, my husband had a minor heart attack and we've been quite preoccupied with that - THEN Bailey the cat went missing for three days, oh and so on and so forth.

In any case, here we find ourselves towards the end of the year with a neglected Blog.  Apologies.  This is one of a series of periodically recurring apologies for the same occurence.   The cat came back, Mark is OK again and so I am I, so its back to work.  And hopefully to pick up with my Blog again; I've got the baking bug once again so I'm getting into the swing of things with that, with big plans for baking all my Christmas presents - hah, let's see how that one works!

Thanks for your patience whilst I have been absent! 
And loads of new stuff for the site soon too!

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