It may be that you have entirely given up all hope of my ever picking up my blog again but wrong, its been bothering me that we haven't talked for a while - you've really been on my conscience, and I am sorry for neglecting you - I am sure I have averaged about three excuses a week why I've not written a thing since October but to be honest, other than the swine flu over Christmas which actually lasted a month and a half I don't really know where I've been.
I know where I am going though, I am off to Arizona later this week, leaving my parents to look after the cats and the horse and the business (God help us then). So, really I am picking this up so I will be able to write about my travels whilst I am away...
I've patted myself down and I think I am all here, so let's start again.... to be honest, there's loads happened...
Harry is now about 13 weeks old and his favourite activities are - eating, sleeping, biting people, jumping, climbing curtains, driving Mia mad, biting people some more and hiding in places I never knew existed in the house. I am having to keep him under lock and key because my Mum threatened to steal him the moment she set eyes on him. I am utterly in love....
He is just the best Christmas present I ever gave myself...
There was loads of snow over Christmas and some time before that too (its all a blur now anyway) but about late October I started being unwell and several courses of antibiotics later realised I had probably had swine flu despite having had the swine flu jab. Ha, so much for that.
You know when you're so ill that when you get better you feel so grateful its pathetic? Yes, it was like that. Anyway, not only did we have minus 11 degree temperatures during Christmas I was also looking after a friends' horse and Mark was ill at the same time - I can tell you, we CRAWLED up to the stable yard, croaked round the place getting our chores done and then dragged ourselves back home day in day out.
It was a bit awful really because I'd invited my parents, Marks' Mum and my single friend Yvonne round for Christmas day only to have Christmas cancelled by my Mum two days before Christmas because she declared we were too ill for it and I can't tell you which was worse, actually being ill or letting people I love down. I did make up for it on New Years Day by having a retrospective Christmas Day Dinner with them all which was lovely.
So a week or so before Christmas Day (this is the actual Christmas day not the amended one) I put up the most beautiful tree and we just lay in the lounge, stunned by being so ill we could barely move; we had beans on toast for Christmas Day dinner - its strangely liberating doing that, I recommend it.
Mark got me an X-Box for Christmas because he thought I needed the exercise (well you know I do, but I don't really need to be told I do....) and I got Merlin a smart new rug and a new mucking out fork (though he has yet to use the mucking out fork) and I booked the trip to Arizona though until recently I couldn't remember if I'd actually done that or if I was just under the influence of a lot of Beechams Cold Remedy.
In any case, happy new year one and all, here we are again in a new year and I wish you every happiness. And health. And I hope you don't get the flu.
Love xx
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