Merlin is described as a 'spoiled brat' by my stable yard owner (thanks Trev!) but is so loved that he is hand-fed fresh strawberries on a regular basis.
Telling someone their horse is a spoiled brat is a bit like telling someone that their child is a wild beast. Still, I can see why someone might get that impression. I don't know if feeding a horse strawberries can be counted as spoiling when Emma feeds her horses After Eight Mints.
I seriously am thinking of running away and joining a circus. Why am I thinking of running away? Mostly, the weather. You know, its September and it was pointed out to me that the stableyard tree's leaves are turning red again. As I finished at the stableyard this evening, there was the most beautiful sunset - pink-peach-orange. However, it wasn't the tree or the sunset that made me want to run away, no, it was that I realised during the year I have not once yet thought "oh no, its just so hot that I want it to rain/snow/or crawl into the fridge." And because its September its unlikely that I AM going to have that thought this year. Despite global warming, I really feel like jumping on the first plane and going somewhere overheated. I am working on convincing myself that I love living in wellies and sloshing around in the mud, which is what I have been doing all year. Good thing I love it THAT much then, huh? Anyway, the black and white horse may or may not be an asset at the circus. Telling someone their horse is a spoiled brat is a bit like telling someone that their child is a wild beast. Still, I can see why someone might get that impression. I don't know if feeding a horse strawberries can be counted as spoiling when Emma feeds her horses After Eight Mints.
I have been working on new jewellery. Tonight I was due to load it up on the website, however...the main reason I am feeling 'woe, woe is me...' is....that Mark was doing the tech work whilst I did something else. We had passed files from and to and back and forth. And now, because I (note, it was definitely MY fault!) passed the wrong file over, all the work has been lost. So he wants to run away too now. I guess there are few things worse than having to do the same work twice over....